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转摘:出国留学网    点击数:    更新时间:2006-3-31


Mr A B Cee
Company A
Fax: ++ 1 650 363 xxxx

Re : Mr L

I regret to report that Mr He's second application for a visa to attend meetings and discussions in your company was again rejected.

When I heard of the news I was overwhelmed by a sense of disappointment and a tinge of anger. I was disappointed because the application was again refused after a lot of time and efforts had been spent in its preparation. I was angry partly because of the cavalier attitude of the visa officer and mainly because I felt sorry that the Embassy had chosen to completely ignore your supporting letters and the interests of Company A.

Having digested the news I started to put myself in the shoes of the visa officer. My first reaction was, perhaps the Embassy is in possession of some undesirable records of Mr L which we are not aware of. But this assumption was refuted by Mr L’s account of his second interview.

At the second interview, he was initially assigned to the visa officer who refused his first application. The officer was not aware of the fact and proceeded to assess the application. According to Mr L the visa officer was reasonably satisfied and was about to give his approval on the computer when he discovered that he himself was the official who turned down the first application. In accordance with the practice of the Embassy, he asked Mr L to go see a second visa officer.

While interviewed by the second officer, Mr L was asked a lot of questions over a period of 5 minutes, which, by current Embassy standards, was long as most interviews only last one to two minutes. Mr L noticed that the officer was hesitating for some moments before he stamped the rejection chop onto his passport.

If the Embassy were in possession of adverse reports against Mr L, the decision would have been much faster. I have therefore come to the conclusion that Mr L was just in a bit of bad luck; perhaps the visa officer was not in a good mood on that day.

While I do not know your reaction I personally feel that a third attempt has to be made for a number of reasons. First, from Mr L’s point of view it is important for him to travel to your company with the group of decision makers to finalise contracts relating to systems for Phases 3 & 4 of the BWT Centre in Beijing. In this regard, I have been advised by Mr L that he has just obtained firm orders for another two systems in a hospital in Zhengzhou, Henan. Mr He has indicated that he will apply again.

Secondly, I believe you may like to make sure that your supporting letters are properly heeded and the interests of Company A protected.

Finally, I would also like the matter to be resolved satisfactorily from my point of view, to maintain my reputation as a consultant with good success rates. I will not give up without a fight.

I tried to ring the trade section of the American Embassy in Beijing just now. For some unknown reasons their office is closed but it is going to be open tomorrow when I shall approach them with a view to organising an appointment so that we can explain the significance of Mr L’s meeting with Company A. Perhaps they are able to exert some influence when Mr L applies again for a third time.

The purpose of this letter is to advise you of the bad news and to request you to do whatever is in your power towards lending some support for the third application. You may like to approach the trade office in your region, you may like to approach your local politician, or you may like to provide another letter vouching for Mr L’s eventual departure from the States before the expiry of his visa.

Being the President of a well-established and reputable company in America with world wide businesses, I am sure you can think of some ways in helping Mr L.

We are planning our next moves and we need a quick response from you as to the extent you are prepared to assist. We look forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards 

Preston Chow

Managing Partner

Cc A B Cee



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