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转摘:出国留学网    点击数:    更新时间:2012-4-29

  对于在澳洲准备做845创业的留学生朋友来说,这也是沉重打击,因为新企业需要留学生控股51%, 营业额不少于40万澳元,要求真的不低。




3、对申请人的股份比例要求提高。公司年营业额在30—40万澳币的,要求拥有股份达到51%;营业额超过40万澳币的,股份必须达到 30%;如公司是上市公司,申请人股份必须达到10%。

影响签证类别包括160, 163, 845, 846, 890 ,892



另外,对于在澳洲准备做845创业的留学生朋友来说,这也是沉重打击,因为新企业需要留学生控股51%, 营业额不少于40万澳元,要求真的不低。


1、Removal of the right of a senior manager to apply for a Subclass 163 visa.

2、Increasing the minimum net assets requirements to $800,000.00 for Subclass 160 and 161 visas and to $500,000.00 for Subclass 163 and 164 visas.

3、Changing the definition of main business in Regulation 1.11 of the Migration Regulations. This definition applies to Subclass 160, 163, 845, 846, 890 and 892 visas.

Below is an extract from the Explanatory Memorandum on this amendment.

Regulation 1.11 currently provides, among other things, that for the purposes of the

Principal Regulations that a business is a “main business” in relation to an applicant for a visa if the applicant has, or has had, an ownership interest in the business of a value of at least 10 percent of the total value of the business.

Substituted paragraph 1.11(1)(c) provides that, for the purposes of the Principal Regulations, a business is a “main business” in relation to an applicant for a visa if, among other things, the value of the applicant’s ownership interest, or the total value of the ownership interests of the applicant and the applicant’s spouse or de facto partner, in the business is or was:

1、if the business is operated by a publicly listed company – at least 10 percent of the total value of the business; or

2、if the business is not operated by a publicly listed company; and the annual turnover of the business is at least AUD400 000 – at least 30 percent of the total value of the business; or

3、if the business is not operated by a publicly listed company; and the annual turnover of the business is less than AUD400 000 – at least 51 percent of the total value of the business.

The purpose of the amendment is to ensure that where the business is not operated by a publicly listed company, the applicant must own a substantial or controlling interest in a business.  The increase in certain ownership percentages is to limit applicants from passively investing in businesses or swapping ownership with other business migrants for visa purposes.  This aims to improve the integrity of the business skills visa program.  The ownership percentages developed in consultation with the state and territory governments that sponsor the majority of applicants.

The transitional provisions are summarised in the extract below from the Explanatory Memorandum (emphasis added).

Subregulation 3(2) provides that subject to subregulation 3(3), the amendments made by Schedule 1 apply in relation to an application for a visa made on or after the day on which the Regulations commence.

Subregulation 3(3) provides that the amendment made by item [1] of Schedule 1 does not apply in relation to an application for a visa if:

The applicant applies for:

1、a Business Skills -  Established Business (Residence) (Class BH) visa; or

2、a Business Skills (Residence) (Class DF) visa, on the basis of seeking to satisfy the primary criteria for the grant of a Subclass 890 (Business Owner) visa or a Subclass 892 (State/Territory Sponsored Business Owner) visa; and

本文章关键词:澳洲留学预科 澳大利亚留学预科 出国留学 出国留学预科


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