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  注意:携带此标志的eHealth logo () 医院为参与医院.

  See: People's Republic of China Panel Doctors

  China Student Visa Health Pilot: eHealth (Online Health) for Student Visa Paper-Based Applications

  From the 26 August 2009, the department is commencing a pilot scheme that will allow student visa applicants from China who have lodged paper visa applications to complete their health examinations through Online Health (eHealth). This is the first time that eHealth has been made available to clients that have lodged a paper-based visa application.

  Who is eligible to use eHealth?

  To be eligible for eHealth, student visa applicants must:

  have a Chinese passport

  lodge a paper application with the Adelaide Offshore Student Processing Centre (AOSPC); and

  have included a copy of their valid passport at the time of their application or have provided the AOSPC with a copy of their valid passport since lodging their application.

  Applicants must then take a copy of the 'Health Examination Request Checklist', provided by the AOSPC when they acknowledge receipt of the application, along with the required health forms (Form 26 and/or 160) to an eHealth eligible panel doctor.

  A list of approved panel doctors is available on the department's website.

  The clinics participating in this pilot have the eHealth logo () next to the clinic name on the list of approved panel doctors.

  See: People's Republic of China Panel Doctors

  Clients who chose to have their health examinations recorded through eHealth will not need to take passport photos to the clinic, as a digital photograph will be taken of them by the panel clinic.

  After the successful completion of this pilot in China the scheme will be gradually rolled out to other counties where eHealth is available, allowing an increasing number of visa applicants to complete their health examinations through eHealth.

上一篇: 英国学生签证 资金证明时间修改


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