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转摘:出国留学网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-8-21

  1、Give me three reasons that you will come back to China ?

  Key points:

  I will definitely come back to china after my graduation. The reasons are threefold:

  Firstly, *** is best fit for me to realize my career goal in China

  Secondly, advanced technology and systematical learning in *** help me a lot in my future career track.

  Thirdly, international background gives me a comparative edge in local fashion industry, which helps me a lot in succeeding in my career track.

  2、Can you explain why 90% Chinese students didn't come back?

  Key points:

  It is a fact that 90% Chinese students didn't come back IN THE PAST. However, NOWADAYS, more and more Chinese students see great opportunities in their motherland. As for me, I will definitely come back to China to realize my career goal.

  3、What is the thing you (don't) like most in China/America?

  Key points:

  What I like China most is that China is full of opportunities

  What I dislike China most is that China 's business world is not well-structured, however it becomes better.

  What I like USA most is that USA is most advanced country in the world and the business world in USA IS well-structured.

  What I dislike USA most is that opportunities in USA are not as many as in China .

上一篇: 赴英签证的热点问题


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