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  Keep your self-promotion in check. 对你的成就应感到骄傲,但是切记不能显得傲慢。不要每句话都用“I”开头。


  The personal statement is your opportunity to personalize your medical school application. Your essay – or “personal comments,” should reveal something about yourself that is not discussed at length elsewhere on the application, and it should make Admissions deans and directors want to meet you. They often use this part of your application to sort through their “maybe” piles and determine who to invite for an interview. Ultimately, the personal statement is one of the only parts of this process that you still have control over at the time you’re actually applying. Your GPA and MCAT are behind you at this point, but you can still improve your chances by writing well.

  What do I write about?
  ? Make it personal. Your audience should get a good idea of who you are and what you are like in person. Most applicants’ essays are not personal enough.
  ? Tell a story or anecdote. Don’t tell your life story, but instead focus on one or two experiences that you believe distinguish you. Meaningful events and people who have influenced you are also topics to consider.
  ? Be positive. The personal statement is not the best place to explain problems with your academic record unless poor grades are directly tied to a pivotal period in your life. If you learned important lessons from past mistakes, you may mention the transcript, but keep the focus positive.

  How do I begin?
  ? Consider making lists of your influences, goals, achievements, and personal history. Look for themes in these lists and use them to generate ideas for your essay. You might also make a list of adjectives that describe your strengths as an applicant, focusing on personality traits, then match those traits with experiences that demonstrate these qualities—to use as evidence in your essay.
  ? Consider your reasons for becoming a doctor. What other professions also match those motivations? Why do you want to be a doctor instead of having those other jobs?
  ? Make an outline to keep your thoughts organized. Write your first draft quickly. It doesn’t have to be perfect, so don’t worry about the length.
  ? Once you have finished your first draft, put it aside for a while, ideally several weeks. When you return to it, you will have a fresh perspective.

  ? Revision is an ongoing process. Go back and revise your essay often.
  ? After you have completed a draft, then work on your introduction. Keep in mind that you do not have long to catch your reader’s attention; Admissions personnel sometimes read 50 to 60 essays a day, spending only 3 to 15 minutes on each.
  ? Use varied sentence lengths, active voice, and strong verbs.
  ? Include details. Give specific examples that illustrate what you’re trying to say about yourself. Details make your essay more personal, and you more memorable.
  ? Have many people read it, both those who know you well and those who don’t. Your final audience will not know you well, so find out what those who know little about you learn from your essay.
  ? Read it aloud. Hearing your essay helps detect poor transitions and tone problems.

  Common Mistakes
  It is very important to illustrate your commitment to the application process through an errorless essay. Grammar mistakes and typos look careless. Make sure you proofread.
  Use your own voice. A professional but conversational tone will work best. Also, avoid quotations by famous people - quoting Maya Angelou or Henry David Thoreau does not make it about you.
  Don’t pretend that you know what it’s like to be a doctor. Admissions committees are health care professionals and know more about the field than you do. They do expect for you to have investigated the field through volunteer work, shadowing, etc., so write about what you learned through those experiences.
  Keep your self-promotion in check. Be proud of your accomplishments, but be very careful not to sound arrogant. Do not start all of your sentences with “I.”
  A little subtle humor is OK, but don’t overuse it. A bad joke does a lot more harm than a funny joke helps. Humor should not be at anyone else’s expense.
  Keep your focus on one or two topics. Often applicants try to write about too many experiences and end up not doing justice to any of them. Do not simply recount your resume in prose form.
  Secondary or supplemental applications will have additional essay questions.








上一篇: 哈佛大学对PS写作理解和建议

  Personal Statement作为申请研究生的一个重要的文件,虽然学院之间或者专业之间对PS的具体要求可能会有所不同,但是写作PS有一些共同需要遵守的规则。招生办公室对PS非常看重,因为相对于你的GPA来说,PS能…

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