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美申诉信例:全奖加读MBA 已申请独立移民

转摘:出国留学网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-1-8







  详细说明自己申请留学和移民的先后顺序先不知道有移民的机会存在,所以办留学,办到一半发现有移民的机会, 所以就申请移民但是申请了移民并不等于一定可以得到移民,所以也不能放弃留学的机会如果因为我申请了加拿大永久居民就拒绝我学习的机会,并无人能够保证批准我的移民所以这个拒签对我就不公平。


  范例 原文

  Dear Visa Officer ,

  In support to my student visa application, I am writing to explain my particular situation to you.

  Graduated from China’s top university for finance training program, Renmin University, I have been working as a Foreign Currency Exchange Dealer at China ABC Trust & Investment Corp for four years since graduation. With a fascinating job, a decent compensation package, a high social status and a comfortable life in Beijing though, I am always aware of that if I am to promote my career into a world standard, an MBA specialized in finance from North American universities is invaluable.

  With this idea in mind I started my preparation for a North American MBA program two years ago and took GMAT in April, 1996. During the lengthy and boring procedure I never thought that there is an opportunity available for me to apply for Independent Immigration to Canada and to work as a foreign exchange dealer in Canada. I would LOVE to become a permanent resident in Canada and surf the world class financial wave in Toronto’s financial community. However, unaware of such an opportunity my only plan was to get myself gold-plated with a North American MBA and then come back to China digging my gold. I love Canada, but I don’t see a good reason to stay there and just for the sake of staying there if I do not have a permanent status allowing me to work in my professional field legally in Canada. The only thing in my mind was to get an MBA at that time.

  My ideas and future plan was changed in the summer of 1996 when I heard the news about Canadian Independent Immigration program. With the help of an immigration consulting firm, I filed my application on August 1, 1997(file number: B 123 456 789). I know my professional skills are needed in Canada and I can develop a great career in Canada because of my skills in financial field.

  However, on the other hand, my application for immigration is sitting in your Embassy’s office. It may take another year to finalize the case.

  most importantly and I think you also agree, there is a chance for my immigration application being refused. Therefore, I can not rely my life on the uncertainty of my immigration future. If the visa officer decided that my qualification for Independent immigration is not good enough, I then will return to my company and continue to dig my gold in China, instead of in my intended country of destination, Canada.

  For the above understandable reason, I continued my application for MBA admission even after my immigration was submitted. And to my stunning surprise and greatest proud, the highly prestigious University of British Columbia offered me a full fellowship! That is an honor that is extremely valuable to me.

  Eager to test my talent in Canada’s financial market and make a fortune if my immigration application gets approved, I am not crazy for a degree in Canada or if I do need it I can accomplish it studying weekends. But a MBA degree from Renmin University will mean a huge lot more to my future if I bring it back to China and work here permanently.

  Now you know I am caught in a catch-22: For a better future in China, I need an MBA from North America; for an independent immigrant, I should not have applied as a student. I can not give up my MBA opportunity because my immigration application is not guaranteed; and because there is no guarantee for my immigration then a refusal to my student visa just on basis of my open immigration intention will be NOT fair because it depresses my future in China.

  I am a successful and well-off young professional in China’s emerging financial industry. I am confident that I can work in my field in Canada as successful as I have been in China if I do get my immigration visa. If by any chance a visa officer does not approve my immigration application, with all due regret I can still make a great career in my field, particularly if I have a MBA from such North American schools like UBC.

  Therefore, I respectfully request that you grant me my student visa application to allow me attend UBC MBA program. If in the future Canada give me the permanent status, I will be living and working inCanada for good and if not, I will be coming back to China because of what I have achieved so far in China.

  Your general consideration is much appreciated.


  PS. My MBA program at UBC takes only one and half year. It is highly possible that by the time my landing paper expires, my program will have finished for several months.



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