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转摘:出国留学网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-1-8


  下面是一所学校的Guide Line:

  In view of the relatively poor quality of the study plan we received in the past years, the department decides to offer more concrete guidelines to help a licants writing their study pla .

  The intention is to tell a licants what the department is looking for in the study pla , and how the a licants can best distinguish themselves during the admi ion proce .

  Of course these guidelines are only recommendatory. A licants are welcome to use their imagination whenever/wherever po ible.

  The study plan serves three purposes. First, it shows how well a licants can expre their ideas in plain English. This requires well-organized thinking skills as well as clear writing. Second, the study plan is su osed to show how much thought the a licants have given to the particular fields in which they want to study. For example, if an a licant wants to study Neural Networks, exactly how much they know about Neural Network and why do they think they are capable of doing research in this field should be clearly explained in the study plan. The third purpose of a study plan is to provide students with le er grade an o ortunity to present their intellectual accomplishments other than academic records. For research projects that require exte ive hands-on capabilities, practical problem-solving skills will play as much important roles as course grades.

  To help the a licants write down the types of information that will interest the admi ion committee most, we prepare a list of ecific questio that the a licants may co ider to a wer in their study pla . Again, a wering these questio is not mandatory. They are suggested here to reduce the po ibility of wasted efforts on the part of a licants.

  [1] What is the most significant achievement you've ever accomplished so far? This could be a cla project, a piece of artifact you built, or a research, and it doe 't have to be related to our program.

  [2] Is there any ecific field you want to work on? Please be as ecific as you can. Try to explain how your academic background prepares you to do research in this (these) field(s).

  [3] If you have any previous research experiences, please explain them in terms of your roles in the projects, your own contributio , and most importantly the proce of deriving the solutio /algorithms you developed, if any.

  [4] In case your course grade is not particularly distinguished, why do you think you still have what it takes to do graduate study in our department?

  Last suggestion: the a licants are advised to take writing the study plan as serious as they po ibly can. Think of it as doing the homework for getting into graduate schools. The more efforts you ent on it, the better chances you have to be admitted into to otch graduate programs.



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