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体育管理专业学生留学美国 你可以选择以下专业

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密西根大学-安娜堡分校 University of Michigan Ann Arbor


纽约大学 New York University


俄亥俄州立大学哥伦布分校 The Ohio State University, Columbus


爱荷华大学 The University of Iowa


美国大学 American University


迈阿密大学牛津分校 Miami University, Oxford


马萨诸塞大学Amherst校区 University of Massachusetts Amherst


戴顿大学 University of Dayton


南卡罗来纳大学哥伦比亚分校 University of South Carolina Columbia


旧金山大学 University of San Francisco


圣约翰大学 St.John's University


爱达荷大学 University of Idaho


肯特州立大学 Kent State University


蒙大拿州立大学比灵斯分校 Montana State University Billings


内华达大学拉斯维加斯校区 University of Nevada Las Vegas


鲍德温-华莱士学院 Baldwin Wallace College


伯米吉州立大学 Bemidji State University


中央华盛顿大学 Central Washington University


宾州克莱瑞恩大学 Clarion University of Pennsylvania


纽约康考迪亚学院 Concordia College New York


迪恩学院 Dean College Franklin, MA 02038


佛罗里达州立大学 Florida State University


乔治亚州立大学 Georgia State University



Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis


林恩大学 Lynn University


北达科他州立大学 North Dakota State University


俄克拉荷马基督教会大学 Oklahoma Christian University


萨姆休斯顿州立大学 Sam Houston State University


桑佛德大学 Samford University


新罕布什尔南方大学 Southern New Hampshire University


芬德雷大学 The University of Findlay


特洛依大学 Troy State University


路易斯维尔大学 University of Louisville


内布拉斯加州立大学科尼分校 University of Nebraska Kearney


纽黑文大学 University of New Haven


圣道大学 University of the Incarnate Word


太平洋大学 University of the Pacific


瓦尔帕莱索大学 Valparaiso University


卫奇塔州立大学 Wichita State University


威得恩大学 Widener University


扬斯敦州立大学 Youngstown State University


    其中可以双录的学校包括:贝瑞大学(Barry University)、菲迪大学(Fairleigh Dickinson University)、爱达荷州立大学Idaho State University、纽黑文大学(University of New Haven)、中田纳西州州立大学(Middle Tennessee University)、 贝尔蒙特大学(Belmont University)、 宾州加利福尼亚大学(California University of Pennsylvania、韦伯国际大学(Webber International University)等





1.       地理位置优越,学校合作群体庞大

包括前沿媒体、知名企业和其他组织:ESPNFOX Sports NetClear ChannelSFX)、ESPN VideogamesEA SportsSegaMLB Advanced MediaCollege Sports OnlineX gamesVolvo Ocean RaceHarlem GlobetrottersSpecial OlympicsAYSOKristi Yamaguchi FoundationNewport Sports MuseumSports Club LATiger Woods FoundationPower Plate USAAnderson Bat CompanyCalifornia SkierMastercraftPowerbarWestern Athletic Clubs


2.       实习机会多,且待遇优良




3.       就业指导






以美国体育学院(US Sports Academy)为例,与体育相关的硕士专业分为四个方向:Sports CoachingSports Fitness and HealthSports ManagementSports Studies。学生可以选取一个专业方向,需要修够33个学分;同时也可以修双学位,需要4255个学分。每个专业方向的培养方向如下:

Sports Coaching

The graduate curriculum in sports coaching prepares students for sports coaching careers at a variety of levels of competition. The program is designed for each student to focus on the demands involved in the leadership and operation of individual and team sports.

Students will develop their own coaching philosophy and focus in areas such as Sports Psychology, Sports Coaching Methodology, and Strength & Conditioning. Students in this area of study may choose to complete a mentorship, thesis, or non-thesis elective track to create a degree that focuses toward their area of interest in the sports world.

Sports Fitness and Health

The graduate curriculum in sports fitness prepares students for careers in either managing a corporate, private, public or hospital-based fitness center or in a direct service fitness-science field. The program also examines various issues in health: from basic nutrition to physical conditions concerned with various diseased-stated  ¬populations. Students enrolled in this program will be required (unless otherwise noted) to complete a mentorship within the Sports Fitness and Health industry. This mentorship allows students to gain practical experience and use the skills that they have acquired in their course curriculum.

Prospective students may want to consider enrolling in the Dual Master’s degree program in Sports Medicine-Health and Fitness. With this 42 semester hour dual program, students enlarge their scope of practice and opportunities. Students attain the injury management background and the sport fitness background to condition and train athletes for performance and health & wellness.

Sports Management

The graduate curriculum in sports management is designed to prepare students for careers of leadership in the field of sport and recreational management.

During the course of study, sports management students gain expertise for multi-faceted sports careers in the fields of facilities management, information technology, front office administration and community recreation. The program provides students the opportunity to garner knowledge and develop skills though coursework and mentorship experience within the sport industry.

The Sport Management program has received program approval/accreditation through the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) and the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE). The Academy’s program is one of a small group of academic programs nationally that have received this program approval.

Sports Studies

Besides completing the core courses, which are standard for all academic programs, the sports studies program allows students to the select their own courses in accordance with their area of interest. This makes it possible for students to create a degree that is focused toward their specific goals in sport.

Students will select courses for their major area of study from the departments of Sports Management, Sports Coaching, Fitness and Health, or Sports Medicine. Selections can be made from any combination of 500 or 600 level graduate courses to develop a personalized course of study based upon the needs of each student. In the sports studies curriculum, a student works with an advisor to select courses from any department of their choosing to help build a concentration in their area of interest.



仍以美国体育学院(US Sports Academy)为例,成绩方面需要GRE MAT GMAT以及托福成绩(79分),该校对于托福成绩在6178分的学生提供有条件录取,详细申请要求如下:

Requirements / Description

Application Form

A completed application form accompanied by a $50 application fee. The fee is non-refundable and constitutes part of the admission credentials.


An official copy of all college transcripts. A minimum GPA of 2.5 is required for admissions. Applicants who do not satisfy the required minimum GPA stated will be referred to the Admissions Committee. The Committee may request additional documentation, including test scores (e.g. GRE, MAT, or GMAT taken within the last five years).


Three Recommendation Forms and the FERPA Release. This portion of the application process is not complete until both forms are received.

Personal Statement

The applicant must prepare a written personal statement presenting (in narrative form) an autobiography, career plans, and expected goals for pursuing the M.S.S. at the United States Sports Academy. The Personal Statement should be between 300-400 words, saved as a .doc file and sent to admissions@ussa.edu. Please use the Writer's Guide for the Personal Statement for further instructions. In addition, the essay must be written in accordance with guidelines set forth in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (most recent edition) or Concise Rules of APA Style (most recent edition). For more information, go to http://www.apa.org.

International Application Fee*

$125 non-refundable International Application Fee

TOEFL Results*

Official results of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) verifying a minimum score of 550 for full-standing admission or a score of 500-549 for conditional admission. The computer-based TOEFL score for full standing admission is 213. An internet-based score of 79 or above is required for full-standing and a score of 61-78 is required for conditional admittance.

Official Report*

Official report from an Approved Educational Credential Evaluator



    圣约翰大学前两天在北京的王府井半岛酒店开师生见面会,全程接待和会场翻译主要是由我来做,所以在这个过程中更进一步了解了这个学校的情况。这是一个基督教学校,但是国际化环境冲淡了它的教会色彩,不会强行要求学生上很多宗教性质的课程。它有6个校区,4个在纽约州,另外两个分别在意大利的罗马以及法国的巴黎。在这里读Business相关课程的学生会有很好的国际化体验,首先大部分课程会在纽约市皇后区、曼哈顿或者25分钟车程的Staten Island校区进行,本科课程的安排可能是第一、二学年在皇后区,第三学年在Staten Island,第四学年被安排再曼哈顿校区方便大家找实习,中间的某个Summer或者Semester可以到国外的2个校区。皇后区是主校区,有96.5英亩大,大概相当于北大校园面积的4/5,这在纽约市附近的学校里,算是能够有充分的校园生活了,本科、研究生都可以住校。大家都知道的NYU就没有自己的校园,这边一栋楼是可以上课的教学楼,下一栋楼没准就是个商场或者是居民住楼。而且NYU和哥大都很Selective,没有十足高的分数和个人经历很难进去,圣约翰的本科入学可以提供双录取,并且不收申请费,给了很多学生机会。研究生的入学门槛会高一些,尤其是药学院和法学院。圣约翰本科生有15776人,每年入读的新生有2763人,规模不是很大。师生比例18:1,Staten Island校区甚至可以达到11:1,学校很重视本科生的教育,专门针对大一新生开设了辅导中心,解决学生选课、实习等问题,所以这也是圣约翰区别于纽约其他一些大学校的又一特点。最后,大家比较关心的还是找工作的情况,以下是学生去的部分公司。我们现在喝的维他命水的创始人,就是从这个学校毕业的。


1 地理位置优越:圣约翰大学位于全球艺术,商业,文化和教育地中心---纽约,凭借纽约的地理优势,学校把不同国家的文化融合起来,造就了学校生活的多元化和多样性。

2 专业环境好:该校为美东体育名校之一,属于美国大专体育总会(NCAA)「大东区(Big East)」联盟,强项为篮球、足球(1996 NCAA 男子组冠军)等。校队以「红人队(Redmen)」富有盛名,后为避讳种族联想,改名为「红色风暴(Red Storm)」。前NBA职业篮球员克里斯·穆林(Chris Mullin),有NBA「上帝的左手」之雅称,为该校校友中最着名的体育界闻人之一。






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