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转摘:出国留学网    点击数:    更新时间:2011-5-3

 新西兰教育联盟留学专家提醒:广大学生请注意中国 护理中专毕业生不能申请一年的注册护士本科!







  Thank you for your application to join the Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Nursing programme.

  This letter is very important. This is why we have translated it into Chinese. Please read it carefully because you must understand the information in it.

  We know that many Chinese nurses begin their nursing training after only three or four years at middle school. Instead of continuing to high school, they enrol at a nursing training institution.According to the China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center, these institutions are vocational high schools and the graduates are senior high school graduates. This applies even if the qualification is called a Diploma.If you only studied nursing at a vocational high school, your nursing qualification will not meet the Nursing Council of New Zealand (NCNZ) requirements for registration in New Zealand. Also, we will not be able to accept you into UCOL’s Bachelor of Nursing for Registered Nurses (RNBN) programme.

  However, you may have studied nursing at a tertiary level. In this case, you must supply us with evidence of that level of study, before we can accept your application to study at UCOL. You should apply to the China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center for that evidence.

  Even though the UCOL Bachelor of Nursing can be very useful for your career development in future,you need to be aware that achievement of the Bachelor of Nursing does not entitle you to registration with NCNZ. It is only your nursing education in China that is considered by NCNZ, the RNBN will not be taken into account.  We look forward to receiving your evidence of tertiary nursing study.If your Chinese nursing qualification does not meet our RNBN entry requirements, you are welcome to apply to enrol in our 3 year Bachelor of Nursing programme.

本文章关键词:留学预科 国际预科班


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