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Scholarships in the Department of Physics

The Department of Physics at Queen Mary, University of London, is offering 6 part-scholarships – 3 at Bachelor’s and 3 at Master’s level, for entry into academic year 2005/6. Scholarships are worth £3,500-£4,000. The full published fee is £10,500. Successful applicants will pay £6,500-£6,950, depending on level of study.

Those awarded a Distinction or First Class on completion of their degree at Queen Mary, will be offered a full tuition fee waiver for PhD study.

For further information, please contact:

Tao-Tao Chang – International Officer (East Asia)

Email: t.t.chang@qmul.ac.uk

Tel: +44 20 7882-3672 (Direct Line)

Physics at Queen Mary

The Physics Department at Queen Mary has an international reputation for research, achieving an RAE award of 5 (out of 5*) in 2001. It has been ranked 9th in the UK by The Guardian newspaper.

Landmarks in the Department’s research include:

Participation in the Nobel-award observation of the W and Z bosons at CERN in Geneva

Participation in the IRAS satellite mission that discovered protostars and ultraluminous galaxies

Building the long-wavelength spectrometer for the Infrared Space Laboratory (ISO)

The invention of the Martin-Puplett polarising interferometer

Distinguished alumni and academic staff include:

Professor Sir Peter Mansfield – Awarded Nobel Prize for Medicine or Physiology, 2003

Professor Michael Green – author of the first definitive text on Superstring Theory, published by the Cambridge University Press (1988)

Professor Peter Clegg – who led the team that built the long-wavelength spectrometer for the ISO

For more information on Undergraduate (Bachelor’s) courses, please click on: http://www.ph.qmul.ac.uk/brochure/

For more information on Postgraduate (Master’s) courses, please click on: http://www.ph.qmul.ac.uk/research_bk/

About Queen Mary

Queen Mary, University of London, is the fourth largest College within the University of London, which includes world-renowned institutions such as LSE, UCL, Imperial College, and King’s College. Its current student population is just over 10,000, of which approximately 20% are international students from over 100 countries.

Queen Mary is a research-led institution – in the last Research Assessment Exercise in 2001, over 80% of its departments were judged to be producing work of international or national significance. Key strengths include:

International Commercial Law; Economics; Politics

Medicine & Dentistry

Engineering; Electronic Engineering; Computer Science

Biological Sciences; Physics


The latest UK University rankings published in The Guardian on 19th April 2005, placed Queen Mary 12th in the UK

The above-named subject areas were all listed in the top 20 by The Guardian

Further information on rankings can be found at:

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